Or perhaps OP could upload an archive to a file sharing service. For others who may want this and are also impatient, you can use Grabber with set as a source and a search for 'user:winaforeva' to download everything in one click.

The swimsuit is fairly basic and a bit clippy under the breast like most are, and the towel is a bit blocky. There were a couple of things that were a bit more trouble than Pyra, but I’m a bit surprised that they didn’t lead to as much clipping issues as I had estimated.

You can find her hairstyle inside the latest version of Hair Pack 4. If there’s a few people that need something like the white and golden parts to be colorable and leave the gem green I’ll see into adding that alternate version. Similarly to one of the Pyra versions, this one allows you to color the white area and the gem color. With a couple of alternate outfits as side dishes.